What Can Osteopathy Treat?
What Can Osteopathy Treat ?
can include but not limited to jaws, shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees, ankles and foot pain. Joints are often easily misaligned and signs of misalignment can often be expressed as pain or limited range of motion. Osteopathy maintains the correct positions of the bones and easing the pressure from the joints so that the cartilage is not worn.
Headaches can be due to a variety of different reasons including dehydration or blood pressure issues. However structural headaches are often referred from the neck and jaw. This means that muscle tightness from the shoulder, neck and jaw regions causes the muscles to tighten around the head and manifesting as an unrelenting headache. Osteopathy works at easing the muscle tension of the head and realigns the neck and shoulder to provide instantaneous relief.
Can occur due to a previous trauma, injury or due to changes in your posture from prolonged sitting to recent weight gain. Osteopathy can treat lower back pain by balancing your general spine and pelvis to ensure your body weight is even distributed and muscles are not overworked on one particular area of the body.
Often occurs without any prior injuries or aggravation can happen due to accumulative tightness and imbalance within the vertebras of the neck. By realigning the bones and easing the tension of the neck muscles, it can break the pain cycle and release the tension from the head and jaw.
Shoulder pain can be due to the overuse and injury of the rotator cuffs but general upper back posture can affect the position of your shoulder and shoulder blade. Osteopathy can ease the inflammation of rotator cuffs but also ensure extra stress in not placed on the area by addressing neck and upper back issues.
An osteopath will not only treat the problem area of RSI, we will also help you identify the issue that is causing the RSI. Once identified we can offer you lifestyle advice on how to eliminate or cope with the repetitive strain, so that you can achieve long term relief from your injuries.
Sporting injuries often involve spraining of joints or muscles. Being a primary care practitioner, Osteopaths can assess the acute injury in detail and refer you for further investigations if necessary. If it is truly a sprain, the Osteopath will treat the injury by decreasing the swelling, aligning the joints and decreasing the muscular spasms. We also ensure your road to recovery by personalising your rehabilitation program.
the wrist itself is formed by 8 little bones stacked in two lines. Wrist pain often occurs when bones are positioned incorrectly causing pain on movement. By manually mobilising the wrist, it realigns the position of the bones and eases the pressure on movement.
Once the ankle is sprained, it causes compression of the ankle bones and laxity of the ankle ligaments. Osteopathic treatment of the ankle involves realigning the bones and easing the ligament tension and swelling. Rehabilitation is also important to regain the strength and spatial awareness of the ankle ligaments to prevent future sprains.
Osteopaths can treat clicking of the knee to direct knee pains. Often the imbalances of the muscles around the knee can cause the knee joint and knee cap to be misaligned. By treating the muscles and ligaments around the knee, you can achieve better function and movement of the knee joint itself.